Monday, June 21, 2010

A year or so ago, Sugarland and Bon Jovi had a song called "Who says you can't go home". Everytime I hear that song I wanted to say "I do". I don't think you can go home. Growing up for me was not idealic. In addition to having responsibilites at home and a responsibility to do well in school, I never quite found my place in my hometown. I had good friends that I valued and still care very much about, but I sorta always felt out of place....never quite good enough. Not sure if it was all in my head or if somehow I was getting subtle feedback about having a brother with disabilities...or if I was just, I never looked forward to coming back home to stay. I left home to find my fame and fortune so to speak. Once outside of my box, I excelled at school, graduating with honors from UT, a school I never dreamed I could compete in, much less graduate from. I got good jobs and got my Master's degree. I tried to come home. Even worked in a field that I had excelled in, but it still did not feel right. I HAD to leave again.

But last year a couple of things happened out of the blue that made it feel ok to come home. Not sure if I felt like I HAD a place this time, or if I didn't I felt ok with who I was...and met some people that I felt very good around, and they seemed to accept me with who and how I was. And I am very grateful for this connection. It appears to be nurturing the artist side of me and I am SO ready. When a student is ready a teacher will appear.
Happy Summer Solstice everyone !

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